Unlocking Financing for Mining
We provide financing across the entire lifecycle of mining projects including exploration, development, and production
Unveiling Our Story
Our Identity
"Established to drive and catalyse mining investments."
The Solid Minerals Development Fund (the “SMDF” or “Fund”) is a sovereign Fund established by the Government of Nigeria to drive and catalyse private sector-led investments in Nigeria’s mining sector.
Our Mandate
"Unlocking financing for mining projects."
SMDF’s mandate is to unlock financing to promote the growth of Nigeria’s mining sector and improve economic parameters such as job creation and mining sector contribution to GDP while ensuring sufficient returns to the Fund.
Our Focus
"Impacting investments for sustainable economic growth"
The Fund’s approach is to provide flexible financing options, build economic partnerships, deliver extensive contact networks, and complete in-house technical evaluation and support teams dedicated to advancing projects. The SMDF invests mainly across three funds: SMDF Growth, SMDF Opportunities and SMDF Responsible Mining. We prioritise investments in the mining sector that will deliver economic and social impact, unlock increased private sector participation and mobilise additional capital. The three Fund invests across the entire mining lifecycle.

Driving Transformation
Our mission is to actively pursue investments that will de-risk the Nigerian mining sector, be the partner of choice for opportunities, and facilitate the development of the mining sector to drive the growth and diversification of the Nigerian economy.